Cardano maintains UK Stewardship Code signatory status
The Cardano Group (‘Cardano’), the pensions advisory and investment management specialist, is pleased to announce that its application to remain a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code has been successful.
The UK Stewardship Code 2020 sets high stewardship standards for those investing money on behalf of UK savers and pensioners, and those that support them. Stewardship is the responsible allocation, management and oversight of capital to create long-term value for clients and beneficiaries leading to sustainable benefits for the economy, the environment and society. Organisations must annually report their stewardship activities and policies to remain signatories. The Code comprises a set of 12 ‘apply and explain’ Principles for asset managers and asset owners, and a separate set of six Principles for service providers.
Commenting on the news, Kerrin Rosenberg, CEO Cardano Investment, said: “We are very pleased to have had our signatory status to the UK Stewardship Code renewed for another year. We recognise the importance of stewardship – but also the challenges involved in ‘doing it well’. Sustainability has always been at the core of our culture and our business. Over the past year we have enhanced our sustainability policies. For example, we have partnered with Sustainalytics to enhance our stewardship offering to clients as well as integrating ACTIAM’s stewardship capabilities across our investment activity.”
In addition to being a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code, Cardano is a member and supporter of a number of sustainability initiatives, including Climate Action 100+, the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change, the Net Zero Asset Management Initiative, Pensions for Purpose, and the Investment Consultants Sustainability Working Group.

To read Cardano’s annual Stewardship Report: