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Cardano maintains UK Stewardship Code signatory status

26th July 2024

Cardano, the pensions advisory and investment management specialist, is pleased to announce that its application to remain a signatory of the UK Stewardship Code has been successful.

The UK Stewardship Code sets high stewardship standards for those investing money on behalf of UK savers and pensioners, and those that support them. Organisations must annually report their stewardship activities and policies to remain signatories. The Code comprises a set of 12 ‘apply and explain’ Principles for asset managers and asset owners, and a separate set of six Principles for service providers.

Commenting on the news, Keith Guthrie, Head of Sustainability UK, said: “We are very pleased to maintain our signatory status to the UK Stewardship Code for another year.

“Stewardship is about engaging with the investments we own, and with policymakers to drive better outcomes in the long-term. We believe it is critical that such stewardship seeks to address long-term systemic risk challenges like global warming, biodiversity loss and social inequalities which can affect economic outcomes and therefore investment results. Companies managing their sustainability transitions effectively are more resilient and will be more valuable in the long-run. We use stewardship activities across all our investments, influencing and collaborating with companies and policymakers to help transition to a more sustainable society.

“The UK stewardship code signatory status is an acknowledgement of the hard work by the team to ensuring the highest standards are in place to drive outcomes for our clients.”

As a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code, Cardano adopts an active approach to stewardship that includes engaging collaboratively alongside other investors, using tools such as filing shareholder resolutions and voting at AGMs to express our views, or disinvesting if needed. We also engage with policymakers and industry to drive more sustainable outcomes.

Read more about our approach to stewardship in our Annual Sustainability Report here.