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  • Posted in category:
    • Investment
    Reading time: 2 minutes

    A video response to the Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee with a rather unremarkable update on their Monetary Policy plans.

  • Posted in category:
    • Investment
    Reading time: 1 minute

    We’ve been considering the multiple economic dilemmas presented by the onset of a new fiscal era, and the range of potential implications for investors.

  • Posted in category:
    • Sustainability
    Reading time: 5 minutes

    Neoclassical economic theories are no longer relevant. They are the reason why the earth’s resources have been depleted so as to jeopardise the future. They have created a world in which extreme poverty abounds and the rich just get richer. That’s the contention of English economist Kate Raworth, who champions a new economy mirroring nature, in which responsible ESG policies are the norm.