Public policy consultations

Enhancing climate-related disclosures
In September 2021, Cardano responded to the FCA TCFD consultation: CP21/17 Enhancing climate-related disclosures by asset managers, life insurers, and FCA-regulated pension providers.

EC Platform on Sustainable Finance – Social Taxonomy call for feedback
Cardano responded to the Platform’s call for feedback in September 2021. We welcome the proposed EU Social Taxonomy. The paper sets out a framework for determining an approach to ‘substantial contribution’ to social issues. This is an important step forward.

Proposed Guidance on Climate-related Metrics, Targets, and Transition Plans
Cardano responded to the TCFD’s online questionnaire. In this document, we summarise our response posted on June 2021.

Consideration of social risks and opportunities by occupational pension schemes
In this document Cardano Risk Management Limited respond to the consultation on “Consideration of social risks and opportunities by occupational pension schemes” as published by the Department for Work and Pensions in March 2021.